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Demystifying the tough and ultra-competitive world of cabin crew recruitment

It all started just over two years ago.  That’s when I achieved my dream.  The same dream as yours – to become a Flight Attendant.  But it wasn’t easy.  Far from it.

We devote huge amounts of time, effort and money to make our dream become a reality. The world of Cabin Crew recruitment is tough and ultra-competitive. Getting through this ruthless process can sometimes feel like an impossible task.

That’s certainly what I felt when I was knocked back time after time by airline recruiters. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong but I was determined to learn from my mistakes.

Paddle Your Own Kanoo was borne out the information and knowledge I gained in achieving my dream.  This works – I’ve been invited to numerous Cabin Crew Assessment Days and I’ve been offered jobs from a number of major international airlines.

Today, I continue to send applications and attend Assessment Day’s.  My mission – to help you through the process.  There’s no secret, checklist formula or 100% guaranteed promise.  But I hope that what you read here will prepare you for your journey.

Cabin Crew recruitment is never going to be easy but I hope the Paddle Your Own Kanoo website helps you on your journey!



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