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The Incredibly Heart-Warming Moment This Flight Attendant Makes a Mother’s Day

The Incredibly Heart-Warming Moment This Flight Attendant Makes a Mother’s Day

The Incredibly Heart-Warming Moment This Flight Attendant Makes a Mother's Day

We’re so used to reading stories about flight attendants who seem to go out of their way to ruin someone’s day, that’s its sometimes hard to imagine that by and large, most flight attendants do a stellar job – day in and day out.  But then there are the moments where a flight attendant truly goes above and beyond – random acts of kindness that really are heartwarming.

And just one of those moments happened a few days ago on a South African Airlines flight from New York JFK to Johannesburg.  On 24th April, Flight SA204 departed the Big Apple for the near 15-hour marathon flight to South Africa’s industrial capital with what can only be described as a superhero of a flight attendant working in the Economy cabin.

“A 15-hour flight (between 2 transits) is never an easy task for a parent travelling on their own to undertake,” Kate Whalley-Hands wrote on her Facebook page – a passenger travelling on the flight with her young baby daughter.

“I had a massively proud to be South African moment yesterday when Mavis (on my SAA flight from New York to Johannesburg) took Imogen out of my arms and baleta’d her”

But it didn’t stop there – the flight attendant, Mavis Xotongo then went on to ensure that none of the other passengers had to wait any longer for their meal, diligently serving people as Imogen rested on her back.

a woman carrying a baby on an airplane

“15 minutes later she returned to my seat with a fast asleep Immy. Mavis, thank you for being a rock star. I appreciate you,” the young mother’s post continued.

The Facebook post has now accumulated over 39,000 likes and has been shared over 9,000 times.

Mavis, we salute you!

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