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This American Airlines Flight Turned Into a Bloody Mess (Literally)

This American Airlines Flight Turned Into a Bloody Mess (Literally)

rows of seats in an airplane

If you’re squeamish or just happen to be eating breakfast right now then this story might not be for you.  We all know that passengers can be pretty disgusting from time to time – clipping their nails in the aisle, walking to the lavatory barefoot, or even drying their underwear underneath the seat air vent (we’ve all seen that viral photo).

But Andy Slater, a talk show host on a Florida sports channel, had the unenviable opportunity to document a bloody mess of an American Airlines flight last night – and no, the airline wasn’t to blame.  Instead, a fellow passenger somehow managed to send flying across the cabin when a huge blister burst on their foot.

And when we say flying, we mean it.  According to Andy, blood ended up covering several other passengers, was splattered across the cabin wall and even managed to splatter a random guy’s open book.  Here’s the proof…

It’s gross but funny, although the flight attendants weren’t taking any risks.  They called paramedics to meet the flight in order to check over the passengers who had been hit.  Luckily, no further treatment was needed and they were allowed to carry on with their journey’s.

As for the plane, the next flight was apparently delayed for 30 minutes – as Andy says, hopefully, to give the plane a deep clean.  Although that might be wishful thinking.

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