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Read the Disgusting Note This Mask Avoiding Passenger Wrote to a Flight Attendant

Read the Disgusting Note This Mask Avoiding Passenger Wrote to a Flight Attendant

a woman in a mask and gloves carrying luggage on an airplane

An airline passenger faces the prospect of being permanently banned from one U.S. carrier after first refusing to wear a face mask properly and then writing a highly offensive note to a flight attendant.

The hateful message was written in the same week that thousands of flight attendants found out they would be involuntarily and indefinitely furloughed due to the massive slump in demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many have been working throughout the crisis and have been directly affected by the virus but now face being made unemployed.

One passenger, however, took exception to a flight attendant doing their job by reminding them of the need to wear a face mask onboard a recent flight.

Airlines believe mandatory face mask rules are crucial to make flying safe during the pandemic and have asked flight attendants to remind passengers of the need to wear their mask or covering over both their nose and mouth.

Instead, the passenger wrote a hateful message on an airline sick bag and then handed it to the flight attendant at the end of the flight:

“You mean shit in life. You are nothing but a glorified maid who needs to jump down off her high horse and learn how to speak to ppl (people). Nobody cares about your stupid seat policies or your nose issues. We pay your salary and your attitude is unncessary.

The very fact that we have to listen and kowtow to a nobody who does shit except collect our trash and serve crappy food makes me absolutely ill. You are a mask nazi and a cunt and if it wasn’t for this you, you would be cleaning motel room for $2 tips and meth.

I made sure to write this on a bag labelled as to what I think your life actually is… A WASTE.

Warm regards, a person who hates your guts.”

Unsurprisingly, the passenger has been reported to the airline although there’s still no confirmation on whether they have in fact been banned yet. Insiders, though, claim that’s a near certainty.

On Thursday, Delta Air Lines revealed that it had so far banned 270 passengers for failing to wear a face mask after tough new rules were introduced by the carrier in June. In a memo to employees, chief executive Ed Bastian confirmed the figure which includes the ex-Navy SEAL who claims to have shot Osama Bin Laden.

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