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Furries On a Plane: Southwest Airlines Flight Taken Over By Animal Costumes

Furries On a Plane: Southwest Airlines Flight Taken Over By Animal Costumes

a group of people in clothing on an airplane

A Southwest Airlines flight from Reno to Denver was taken over by a group of animal costume-wearing passengers who are collectively known as furries. The flight attendants and pilots onboard Southwest flight WN1212 took the situation in their stride, even stopping to pose with the furry community while other passengers – known as normies – looked on.

A furry is someone who is a fan of furry animal characters that have humanlike characteristics according to Merriam-Webster which has been tracking the craze. Some furries express their fursona by dressing up in costume that represents their favourite animal.

While many furries become friends online, there are now lots of furry meetups and specialist conventions similar to Comic cons. The furries who travelled together on Southwest Air flight 1212 had been at BLFC furry convention in Reno.

Nearly 6,000 people attended the BLFC convention in 2019 and more than 1,000 attended in costume.

According to VOX, only a small minority of furries actually own a fursuit and the majority of those who dress up just wear a tail or other accessories. To get so many fursuit heads on. single flight would appear to be incredibly rare.

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