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Ryanair Mercilessly Trolls Boris Johnson Over Lockdown Busting Christmas Parties

Ryanair Mercilessly Trolls Boris Johnson Over Lockdown Busting Christmas Parties

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Ryanair’s social media team are mercilessly trolling British Prime Minister Boris Johnson over alleged lockdown busting Christmas parties that are threatening Johnson’s premiership. The latest attack from the low-cost airline came in the form of a table that showed a fictional Downing Street party level in comparison to the UK’s COVID alert level.

On Sunday, Johnson ordered the COVID alert level to be escalated to level four at which point transmission is high or rising exponentially. The comparable Downing Street party level involves “Boris topless, asking Thatcher’s portrait if she comes here often”.

If the UK was to go to the highest level 5, the party at Downing Street would include a “full on rave. Everyone off their tits. Jacob (Rees-Mogg) crying in the corner asking for nanny”.

Ryanair has referenced other alleged parties that took place last year at Downing Street when the rest of the country was either in full lockdown or restrictions banned social gatherings of any form.

At level 1, the party at Downing Street would be a “small gathering with wine and cheese” – referencing comments made by disgraced former communication chief Allegra Stratton who laughed about a Christmas party at Downing Street while hundreds of people were dying from COVID-19 every day.

The Prime Minister has repeatedly dismissed the allegations, claiming that no parties took place and saying that guidelines were followed at all times. There are now allegations of at least 10 parties that took place in government buildings in the run-up to Christmas while the rest of the country was banned from meeting up with their friends and family.

Bereaved relatives of those who died from COVID-19 have blasted the government from carrying on as normal while they were banned from saying final goodbyes to their loved ones.

In other social media posts, Ryanair has openly criticised Johnson for reimposing travel restrictions while facing down allegations that the government ignored rules that they expected everyone else to abide by.

On Monday, Ryanair joined other major airlines demanding the British government dropped COVID-19 testing rules for travel and provided the industry with a bespoke package of financial support.

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