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Ryanair in Hot Water Over Social Media Post That Mocked its Own Cabin Crew

Ryanair in Hot Water Over Social Media Post That Mocked its Own Cabin Crew

a person in a mask and a jacket on a swinger in an airplane

Ryanair’s social media team has roused the ire of its own cabin crew after a viral Twitter post that took aim at a designer Lacoste tracksuit that resembled the Ryanair uniform also seemingly disrespected cabin crew and their important safety role.

The mainstream media quickly picked up on the original Tweet in what should have been a major victory for Ryanair’s famously frugal marketing team, but the airline was forced to quietly delete the offending tweet after its own employees reacted with fury.

The post in question mocked a £192 tracksuit from the French designer label Lacoste due to two bright yellow stripes that bordered the dark blue tracksuit top, resembling Ryanair’s own brand.

After the tracksuit was put on sale at half price, one Twitter user wrote: “Imagine paying £96 to look like a Ryanair crew member”.

Ryanair quote tweeted the message and wrote: “£96 to look like you’re handing out Pringles on a flight to Berlin”.

While many people saw the funny side of the Tweet, a member of cabin crew pointed out in reply that they do more than just serve Pringles. But Ryanair’s social media team seemingly mocked the crew member by initially agreeing with their statement but attaching a gif of two people laughing.

“We would like to remind you that the primary role of cabin crew is to ensure the safety and security of passenger, crew and aircraft,” wrote a union that represents all of Ryanair’s UK-based crew members in a letter to the airline’s deputy human resources director.

“We have to deal with difficult situations on a daily basis, we have to fight fire, save lives, diffuse disruptive passenger incidents and provide excellent customer service,” the letter continued.

“We are the face of the company, and if our employer is disrespecting us publicly, how could we expect customers to show us respect?”

Although the offending tweet has been deleted, the union is demanding more is done.

“What would the company’s response be if a cabin crew posted a picture of their electricity bill and caption it as ‘I’m paying my bills in full and on time, unlike how Ryanair pays my wages LOL'”.

The union is demanding a public and genuine apology but has not heard back from Ryanair. The airline was contacted for comment but has not responded.

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  • Shame on Ryanair for insulting their flight attendants. Didn’t the company require their cabin crew to wear those exact uniforms? Sounds like back biting to me. I hope on a holiday weekend many f / a s wake up and disregard their airline and call off sick in response to the disrespectful social media post . I’m guessing a snotty 23 year old created this monster? Management needs to apologize to their f / a s . I won’t ever buy a ticket on Ryanair. I m a former law enforcement officer and am put off by Ryanair s lack of support for their safety crew . When the company vomits on their union employees it sure could come back to haunt them.

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