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A ‘Right Wing’ Doctors Groups Claims United’s Vaccine Mandate is Gateway to Public Acceptance of Abortion

A ‘Right Wing’ Doctors Groups Claims United’s Vaccine Mandate is Gateway to Public Acceptance of Abortion

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A fringe doctors group that packs a big political punch claims United Airlines’ vaccine mandate is an “alarming gateway to promote public allowance of abortion” and that the airline booked a ticket to “tyranny” by requiring employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has called on an appeals court to publish, in full, its opinion on United’s vaccine mandate after the airline lost an appeal in a lawsuit brought by several unvaccinated employees.

The employees alleged United failed to offer them a reasonable accommodation for their religious beliefs or medical exemption when the airline instead chose to place them onto unpaid leave status because they remained unvaccinated.

Soon after United lost the appeal, lawyers acting on behalf of the carrier moved to vacate the panel opinion.  On the same day, United allowed unvaccinated employees who had been granted a religious or medical exemption to return to work.

When United sent unvaccinated employees home without pay in November 2021, it said they would not be welcome to return until the pandemic no longer posed a threat to public health.  Unvaccinated workers were recalled earlier this month.

General Counsel for the AAPS, Andrew Schlafly also claims United’s vaccine mandate was a gateway to infringing parental rights, negating freedom to practice one’s religion, violating the patient-physician relationship, and limiting the ability to earn a living.

The AAPS is sometimes described as an ultra-conservative pressure group which represents just 5,000 members.  The organization was formed in 1943 to oppose an early attempt to offer universal healthcare for the American people.

For a fringe organization, the AAPS wields considerable clout.  The organization has been at the forefront of debates on abortion, HIV, opioids, gun control and greater access to healthcare.

More recently, the AAPS has opposed vaccine mandates and has questioned the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines.

In January, United chief executive Scott Kirby sought to defend the airline’s vaccine mandate, arguing that at the height of the Omicron outbreak some 3,000 employees were off sick with COVID-19 but not a single vaccinated worker had ended up in the hospital.

The mandate, Kirby claimed, was saving lives.

The AAPS takes a different view.  “Vaccine mandates are instruments of control, and what United did in advancing such control should not be encouragedfor future corporate leviathans to imitate,” the AAPS says in an amicus brief filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

View Comments (4)
  • The vax mandate is foolish and not based on any science. How do you ignore natural immunity? Why are you pushing a vax that offers almost NO EFFECTIVENESS against catching the Vid or spreading the vid? No normal humans are dying anymore. The hospitalized are almost all grossly unhealthy outside of having the Vid. You want to mandate something? Let’s start with encouraging a healthy lifestyle!

    • You are correct. And I’ll add that the VAST majority of those sick and hospital with covid-19(84) are VACCINATED. This started as a SCAMdemic and has now progressed into a true pandemic… of the VACCINATED.

  • Your article is a pile of s**** as usual. AAPS has been a respected organization for years. Your just making this wonder 90% of America hates the media. Your not journalists at all. You just read what your told to read and print what your told to print. Enjoy bankruptcy

  • You are a left-wing ideological idiot. United‘s attempt to coerce bully intimidate and threaten loyal hard-working employees into taking an experimental gene editing injection is not only unconstitutional, it is unlawful and in my opinion criminally corrupt. The CEO and management team of United Airlines should be prosecuted and jailed for this travesty of medical tyranny.

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