Community Standards

We invite you to share your opinions, analysis and feedback using the comments feature which you can find at the bottom of all of our articles.  To ensure our site remains a welcoming, supportive and safe place, we ask that you abide by a few rules set out below.

We also have several community policies and these are set out below.

Unacceptable Posts

We will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of hate-speech, or contributions that could be interpreted as such.

Swearing and other slurs should be avoided.  Arguments between users are unlikely to be helpful and should also be avoided if your opinion has already been clearly but politely communicated.

Links to unrelated websites will not be accepted.

We ask that you keep your comments ‘on-topic’.


We utilise a combination of manual and automatic moderation which is powered by our in-house commenting platform.  Certain words and phrases will be automatically flagged for moderation and will not immediately appear on the site.  The same is true for links to external websites.  Please remain patient while we manually approve these posts.

Unfortunately, we are not in a position to notify you if a comment cannot be approved because it does not meet our community guidelines.  We ask that you review these guidelines and attempt to post another comment.

We operate a ‘flagging’ system so that users can notify us of comments that are possibly non-compliant with our community guidelines.  If a comment if flagged by three different users it will be automatically hidden until a moderator manually reviews the comment.

Who is welcome to post comments?

You do not have to sign up in order to leave a comment on our site.  We accept guest posts but ask that your username and avatar complies with our aforementioned policies.

We reserve the right to either temporarily or permanently block a user from posting comments on our site.  This will only be used as a last resort in cases where we have attempted to reach out to the user in question and notify them of our policies.  We will do our best to inform users before imposing the sanction.

Questions and feedback

As well as public comments, we welcome private feedback via email.  Please see our Contact Us page for further details, as well as a list of frequently asked questions.