A United Airlines flight attendant has described how they ended up filing for bankruptcy because their salary was, in their words, so “abysmal”, despite taking on a second and even a third job in an attempt make ends meet.
“I got a substitute teaching job and I was Instacart on the side but it’s overwhelming and I’ve just hit burn out,” the anonymous flight attendant said in a post on the popular social media site Reddit.
“I maxed out all my credit cards and took out a loan on my old 401k trying to survive on probation,” the post continued. “And for the last year I’ve been working my ass off trying to beat the interest on the credit cards but to no avail.”
In the end, the flight attendant says they were forced to throw in the towel and decided to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy to relieve the overwhelming stress they were feeling from racking up huge debts.
“I sleep so much better at night. Now I can go to the job and worry about s**t that doesn’t matter like ‘sparkling water’ and where coworkers that I’m never gonna see again commute from.”
“Im no longer filled with anxiety and resentment. I cried in relief the first time I had a day off from flying and was able to sleep in until my body woke me up.”
Having survived two years in the job, the flight attendant now says that while their salary still isn’t “anything to write home about” they do now, at least, make enough not to get back into debt.
Flight attendants at the Chicago-based carrier are currently fighting for a new contract, although negotiations have currently stalled and the flight attendant union has accused United of deliberately stalling by tabling a low-call economic proposal.
Earlier this year, United flight attendants voted 99.99% to authorize a strike if negotiations reach an impasse with the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA) demanding an immediate pay raise of 28%, followed by 4% pay raises every year thereafter as part of an open-ended contract that would put crew members’ earnings at the very top of all US airlines.
The union also wants to see its members paid for all the time they spend on the ground which would mark a major shift for how airlines in the United States pay flight attendants.
At present, United’s flight attendants are only paid between the time that the plane pushes back from the gate to the moment that the plane arrives at its destination. The pay method favors veteran flight attendants who can ‘hold’ lucrative long-haul trips with more time spent in the air.
In contrast, new-hire crew members spend a lot of time on the ground working multiple flights per day, meaning that a lot of the time they spend at work, boarding, deplaning, and changing from one aircraft to the next is unpaid.
Some airlines, including American Airlines and Delta, now pay flight attendants a smaller hourly rate for boarding and deplaning, although United’s flight attendants want that pay method extended to all work time on the ground.
United Airlines has, however, rejected the union’s demands and is currently only willing to match the pay deal recently ratified by flight attendants at American Airlines.
Mateusz Maszczynski honed his skills as an international flight attendant at the most prominent airline in the Middle East and has been flying ever since... most recently for a well known European airline. Matt is passionate about the aviation industry and has become an expert in passenger experience and human-centric stories. Always keeping an ear close to the ground, Matt's industry insights, analysis and news coverage is frequently relied upon by some of the biggest names in journalism.
What they conveniently forget to say is that they are paid while they sleep, while they are at the restaurant, and while they are visiting international destination. Kinda smart to omit Duty RIG and Trip RIG pay and just claim you are paid for each hour of flight. (Which incidentally is block hours). What they do not say is that the pay is based on flight credits and not flight hour. Credit and hours are not the same. Of course per diem is on top. So stop complaining and get your finance in order.
This isn’t entirely correct. United Flight Attendants are paid by block hours, which is brake release to brake set. “Flight credits” do not exist at United. You may be thinking of Southwest, which uses TFP and not block hours for pay. You are correct in saying that rigs exist; however, not in the way you described. The duty rig is an average of 5 hours of pay per duty period in a given pairing/sequence/trip. This does not correlate to days though. For example, a 3 day pairing with only two duty periods can pay a minimum of 10 hours, which a 3 day pairing with 3 duty periods is a minimum of 15 hours. You can still be away from home the same exact amount of time but get paid differently. There’s also the TAFB rig, which requires 1 hour of pay for each 3.5 hours away from your domicile. When you say they are paid while they sleep, eat and sightsee on a layover, it is misleading because the vast majority of trips are built to avoid rigs (except last minute operational trips). I’m glad you seem to have zero complaints about your job and/or pay, but people can vent frustrations. This isn’t specific to aviation. Yes, living within your means is important and finding creative ways to trim your monthly budget is crucial when you’re spending more than you bring in, but the underlying systemic issue of underpaying flight attendants still needs to be tackled.
Not true. FA’S are only paid perdiem from the time they check in to the time they return to base. Pay is based on flight hours only! Get YOUR facts straight!
If you aren’t educated or informed on the situation you shouldn’t be commenting on it ! Thank you! Two dollars of per diem wouldn’t even cover a restaurant tab !
If I don’t like a job, I QUIT.
It’s not rocket science, folks.
It’s not the point of not liking a job. Most FA’S love their job, we just want to be paid fairly since we are the face of the company. Due to our Customer service and PR abilities, we have helped the company bring in millions of dollars. Everyone else gives themselves a raise a bonus but forget able the people facing employees. It’s time to recognize their sales force
OK. Let’s try this.
If I’m not satisfied with a job, for whatever reason, I QUIT.
Still not rocket science.
You know exactly what your pay is when you are hired so why take a job that will not allow you to pay your bills. They don’t sugar coat anything but are brutally honest when you are hired about the salary. Or quit and get a job that will allow you to pay your bills.
Wow!!! Can you imagine reading a whole article detailing how FA’s get paid and when they don’t get paid, and still making a super ignorant comment when it’s clear the reading comprehension just skip right over brain cells you’ve somehow accumalated. That’s wicked work right there. Does minos mean minus the ability to think logically? When you walk into work..you start to get paid immediately. FA’s don’t. Don’t be mistaken when they are “getting paid to sleep” you are sleeping on the airlines time. You’re not off work. You don’t get turn work off, it’s still very much turned on. Please speak on what you know…like you wrote a whole paragraph on knowing nothing. Crazy…
This is the best response so far. People shouldn’t be quick to speak and judge flight attendants unless you have actually worked in that field before. It’s simply retarded to lay blames when you have no clue about the subject.
Will NEVER fly United again! We paid for upgraded seat/more leg room Orlando to L.A. But, instead, they stuck my 6’5″ husband in economy. When I showed attendant our receipt. She said she didn’t care..
“Shut up and sit down or get off!” when we only had 3 hours to get from LAX to cruise ship..bucket list cruise for 2 Disabled Senior Citizens!
Barbara, Flight Attendants don’t handle seating issues on the ground – that’s a job for Customer Service Agents. I seriously doubt anyone told you to shut up. There are numerous tools customers have to address problems these days including the airline’s app (chat feature), X (Twitter), etc.
Lastly, if the cruise was on your bucket list, and you’re disabled, why did you only give yourself 3 hours to get from LAX to Long Beach? It sounds like your trip was poorly planned.
Today’s flight attendants are highly overpaid and over rated. I fly often, internationally. The flight attendants today do little besides hide.
I have no idea how they’re trying to justify any raise in pay when there is a long line of people who would accept their job right now, tonight.
Highly overpaid is another ignorant ridiculous comment. You do the job and see how much toll it takes on the body and then you will realize that what United Flight Attendants are asking for is very much well deserved. On top of the stress that is being on the body daily, they have to deal with insane, ungrateful ignorant passengers from alllllllll over the world. Just give them what they are asking for and I can assure you, they will work like the rent is due and will actually be paid on time!!! The pilots and everyone else are getting money thrown at them, while those poor flight attendants are dealing with the customers and doing all the dirty work. Just give them their money and what they want and move on!!!! From what I hear the layovers are so short they can’t even enjoy anything anyway so give them what they deserve!!!!!
Great post,.I am a retired Flight Attendant who flew for 49 years and 25 days. Loved the job!!
Not true. FA’S are only paid perdiem from the time they check in to the time they return to base. Pay is based on flight hours only! Get YOUR facts straight!
Rather interesting to read these comments. I’d like to know which of you commenting makes the same salary, without retirement benefits, as when you started!? Do you get a COLA each year appropriate to the economy and cost of living in major cities. Where you hired at a certain amount and expected to keep that same salary for the remainder of your careers? That would be completely illogical and like us, you would negotiate for a better salary when your company is profitable. Did you give some of your salary back to the company to save it from bankruptcy, only to lose money and retirement and never compensated for the loss while corporate gave themselves bonuses, high salaries and stock buy backs. Please speak to what you know and not what you perceive to be your observations without facts.
Do you realize FA’S have been downsized on the aircraft by 2-5 FA’S depending on aurcraft and destination, all while helping twice the amount of passengers, including special needs, medical emergencies, safety issues, counseling, possible fire fighting and general police work for unruly passengers and all with minimal supplies. There is more than meets the eye
Why that’s terrible. If it gets too bad, then QUIT and find another job.
It’s not rocket science.
Those who complain about the amount of money they are making can always find another line of work. They could go to trade school or receive trainig for a better job. They could also make better financial decisions, quit living beyond their means, quits charging everything on a high interest credit card.
Not sure where KiS gets the information but US flag carriers are REQUIRED to have one flight attendant for every 50 seats…whether there’s a butt in that seat or not. Additionally, flight attendants have maximum duty hours just like the pilots. Thus, on long haul flights, there must be the same one flight attendant for every 50 seats ON DUTY at all times.
Thank you…its a tough job and alot of us have to get on a plane to even get to work and start our trip…..we live all over this country…yes we choose to do that and live away from base but it’s still extremely stressful…we fly stand by to work….the company doesn’t pay us for that commutte and we do not get a confirmed seat. On layovers we get paid 2 bucks an hour…it doesnt matter if your in a hotel in Rome, it’s still 2 bucks an hour…if our flight is delayed we are not getting paid to wait in the airport with you…we only get paid from releasing of brakes to the aircraft putting on brakes at the destination- flight time….I have commutted for over 20 years…I’ve slept in almost every airport in this country ..on benches, in chairs, changed in public restrooms many many times waiting to start my trip…the company only gives you a hotel during your trip but not your commutte….I honestly dont think many of you would last more than a couple years…and the traveling public in some cases isnt always pleasant…I love my job but it’s not an easy one…and we are the face of the company and we do deserve more